Graph summary data into bar o line plot
type = NULL,
x = NULL,
y = NULL,
group = NULL,
xlab = NULL,
ylab = NULL,
glab = NULL,
ylimits = NULL,
xrotation = c(0, 0.5, 0.5),
xtext = NULL,
gtext = NULL,
legend = "top",
sig = NULL,
sigsize = 3,
error = NULL,
color = TRUE,
opt = NULL
- data
Output from summary data
- type
Type of graphic. "bar" or "line"
- x
Axis x variable
- y
Axis y variable
- group
Group variable
- xlab
Title for the axis x
- ylab
Title for the axis y
- glab
Title for the legend
- ylimits
limits of the y axis c(initial, end, brakes)
- xrotation
Rotation in x axis c(angle, h, v)
- xtext
Text labels in x axis using a vector
- gtext
Text labels in group using a vector
- legend
the position of legends ("none", "left", "right", "bottom", "top", or two-element numeric vector)
- sig
Column with the significance
- sigsize
Font size in significance letters
- error
Show the error bar ("ste" or "std")
- color
colored figure (TRUE), black & white (FALSE) or color vector
- opt
Add news layer to the plot
If the table is a out put of mean_comparison(graph_opts = TRUE)
function. Its contain all the parameter for the plot.
You could add additional layer to the plot using "+" with ggplot2 options
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
fb <- potato
yrs <- yupana_analysis(data = fb
, response = "lfa"
, model_factors = "geno*treat"
, comparison = c("geno", "treat")
yrs$meancomp %>%
plot_smr(type = "bar"
, x = "geno"
, y = "lfa"
, xlab = ""
, group = "treat"
, glab = "Tratamientos"
, error = "ste"
, sig = "sig"
#, ylimits = c(0, 1, 0.2)
, color = c("red", "black")
, gtext = c("Irrigado", "Sequia")
} # }