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inti 0.6.7

  • Rticles
  • Fix table conversion when only is present one table
  • Yupana
  • Avoid different bar widths
  • New project template info
  • Tarpuy
  • Update budget template

inti 0.6.6

CRAN release: 2024-09-03

  • Package
    • New function related outliers_remove() => “remove_outliers” to work with formula
    • New function related plot_diag() => “plot_diagnostic” to work with formula
  • Rticles
    • Fix Tables and Figures order in final document
  • Tarpuy
    • Change name of the trait tab from abbreviation to trait
    • Update traits tab for include two formats: date and mcategorical
    • Fix sort of the traits in field book app
    • New option for generate the qr-code for each plot

inti 0.6.5

CRAN release: 2024-05-16

  • Package
    • Include Addins for Google authentication and renew process
  • Rticles
    • Fix title position in article
    • Fix figure caption and cross reference

inti 0.6.4

CRAN release: 2024-02-05

  • Update bootstrap in apps
  • Tarpuy:
    • Alows to exclude or delete when or {sample} colums
    • Allow defaultValue for traits
  • Rticles
    • Include images using markdown syntax ![]()

=> Fix if “defaultvalue” is in the trait table

inti 0.6.3

CRAN release: 2023-10-27

  • gdocs2qmd()
    • change params: template ==> theme
    • reference-doc: style_rticle.docx
  • Tarpuy
    • Field book design allows different number of rows
    • Design without replication (observation plots) ==> design_noreps()
    • Fix traits name order

inti 0.6.2

CRAN release: 2023-09-02

  • gdocs2qmd()
    • Bug with: “Unknown element type at this position: UNSUPPORTED
    • The function works for articles and thesis
    • Include the cover page using a table
    • Include R markdown templates from RStudio
    • Rticles vignettes updated

inti 0.6.1

CRAN release: 2023-05-30

  • Tarpuy:
    • Include google sheet and docs in PLEX
    • Allow empty rows and without filling
    • Drop values in sheet traits with “X”
    • Only generate traits sheets
    • Seed is set by default
  • Deprecated:
    • include_figure()
  • New function
    • include_pdf()
  • gdocs2qmd()
    • Word document with different output structure

inti 0.6.0

CRAN release: 2023-01-24

  • Fix for dev dplyr (Thanks @hadley)
  • tarpuy_plotdesign()
    • Autoconvert as factor for plot design
    • Default names in plot to “row” and “columns”
  • New function: design_repblock for “rcbd”, “crd” for any factor number
  • Yupana create by default the sheet locale = "en_US" to use the decimal point
  • yupana_mvr allow to select specific numeric variables
  • tarpuy_varlist adapted to field book app
  • Tarpuy: new module for use the information in Field Book app
  • Rename function: tarpuy_varlist ==> tarpuy_traits

inti 0.5.8

CRAN release: 2022-11-16

  • gdocs2qmd(format) allow transform to quarto or Rmarkdown format

  • Update RStudio download link to posit

  • Yupana - fieldbook module:

inti 0.5.7

CRAN release: 2022-08-09

inti 0.5.6

CRAN release: 2022-05-19

  • Package: web_table()
    • autoWidth = TRUE
    • columnwidth argument
    • width argument
  • Fix plot_smr(): “length(x) = 2 > 1’ in coercion to ’logical(1)”
  • New function: split_folder()
  • Yupana: add scale and method in correlation plot

inti 0.5.5

CRAN release: 2022-04-01

  • Yupana: update yupana_import() using if_any() instead across()
  • Tarpuy: in dsg the column qr ==> barcode
  • Tarpuy: update sheets names in intro section
  • Tarypu: export field-book in specific sheet
  • Tarpuy: select sheet for field-book sketch
  • Tarpuy: create field-book only with the factor list
  • Tarpuy: column with [] in design are omitted in the field-book generation
  • CRAN comments: if (class(model) == “lmerMod”) => if ( is(model, “lmerMod”)

inti 0.5.4

CRAN release: 2022-02-22

inti 0.5.3

CRAN release: 2022-02-18

  • Complete location name in experimental information.
  • Avoid labels in axis and legend using "".
  • Update vignettes using bookdown.
  • Fix table summary in H2cal().
  • Update diagnostic plot in plot_diag() to lm and lmerMod.
  • Update code for logIn modules in apps.
  • Update correlation graph in yupana.

inti 0.5.2

CRAN release: 2021-12-19

  • Package
    • Fix CRAN comments
    • Fix path to install Tarpuy dependencies
    • Include huito logo in apps
    • Fix factors in Tarpuy field-book export
    • Update code from tarpuy_design()
    • Update barcode column for split using “_”
    • Update function tarpuy_plex()

inti 0.5.1

CRAN release: 2021-12-10

  • Package
    • H2cal(): BLUEs from H2cal may be wrong if other fixed effects in the model (#10).
      • Thanks Jim Holland (@ncsumaize) for the suggestion to improve the function.
    • New functions: gdoc2rmd(), table2rmd(), figure2rmd()
      • Use Articul8 Add-ons from Google docs to build Rticles
    • Update pkgdown

inti 0.5.0

CRAN release: 2021-11-07

Changes are incompatible with the old versions.

  • Package
    • yupana_export_smr ==> yupana_export()
      • Extract all the information from yupana_analysis
    • yupana_import_smr ==> yupana_import()
      • Import information from the web and yupana_analysis
    • Update function H2cal()
  • Yupana
    • Include statistics and anova table in export results
    • Clean headers in export data, exclude “{}”
    • Update load/save interface
  • Tarpuy
    • Variable list only include arguments with {}
      • You can exclude: {evaluation} or {sampling}

inti 0.4.4

CRAN release: 2021-10-01

  • Package
    • jc_tombola()
      • Update function and selection paper by meeting
    • yupana_analysis()
      • Include last_factor selection
    • yupana_mvr()
      • Function not need last_factor
    • Include package version in the apps
    • Fixed navigation bar in the apps
  • Yupana
    • PCA for individual in the bottom
    • Include version in the output table
    • Dimension for plots in multivariate analysis

inti 0.4.3

CRAN release: 2021-09-08

  • Yupana
    • Show equation with adjusted R in scatter plot graph
    • sig include all the variables from the summary table
    • In plots if the number of reps is 1 the sig and error is “none”

inti 0.4.2

CRAN release: 2021-08-15

  • Package
    • Include info plot_smr() and plot_raw
    • plot_smr()
      • Delete legend border
    • Transparent logos background
    • New vignette for coding with yupana
    • Update Rticles and Books template
    • Fix web_table() to export in xlsx
    • plot_raw() with scientific notation in labels
    • Include new data set potato
  • Yupana
    • Legend position load correct
    • Headers with [] are excluded in the analysis

Agradecimiento a Pedro Barriga por sus sugerencias para mejorar yupana()

inti 0.4.1

CRAN release: 2021-06-25

  • Package
    • plot_smr()
      • Add significance font size
    • plot_raw()
      • Allows vector with colors for plots
      • Include “scatter plot”
    • H2cal() include trial option for MET
    • New video for the version > 0.4.1
  • Yupana
    • Add equations in regressions plot
    • Include scatter plot in “Exploratory” module

inti 0.4.0

CRAN release: 2021-05-25

Changes incompatible with the old versions.

Major changes

  • Rticles
    • Deprecated: create_rticles() & rticles()
    • Deprecated shiny app: rticles
    • Now you can create your docs using Rmarkdown templates
      • Rticles
      • Books
    • Vignette for explain the dependencies to use rticles
  • Yupana
    • Styled messages
    • New module: Exploratory
    • Update in the modules
      • No need fbsm
      • Reactivity in the analysis
    • Export model information
    • Overwrite graph info
    • Design with 3 factor use facet_grid()
    • Allow import/export information for plots
    • Reduce font size in the significance
  • Tarpuy
    • Styled messages
    • Vignette for explain the modules in the app
    • Overwrite fieldbook info
  • Package
    • New function: plot_raw()
      • Box plot graph
    • Update function: fieldbook_mvr –> yupana_mvr()
      • Can be used independently
    • symbols to internal data
      • Table to create footnotes
    • rename functions
    • Include new logo
    • Vignettes: comparison between H2cal() and asreml
    • Add data base for MET
    • Logo for the package and apps

Agradecimiento a Khaterine por la idea en el diseño de los logos

inti 0.3.0

CRAN release: 2021-04-24

  • Yupana
    • Fix {arguments} from xlimits to ylimits
    • Update tables style
  • Rticles
    • Update template files
  • Package
    • Vignette for describe the arguments and options in Yupana
    • Delete redundant functions info_figure() & info_grahics()
    • Update functions: include_figure() & include_figure()
    • Update function plot_smr() include:
      • xtext: labels for the x level
      • gtext: labels for the group levels

inti 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2021-04-14

Changes incompatible with the old versions.

Major changes

  • Package
    • Arguments changed in the syntax for fbsm and graphics.
  • Yupana
    • Delete error messages in console when run the app
    • Change dependency: ggpubr –> cowplot
    • Multivariate analysis need factor levels n>2
    • Allows copy the Statistics table
  • Yupana
    • Delete error messages in console when run the app
    • fix dates in experiments
  • Rticles
    • update code for unzip Articul8 files
  • Package
    • ´mean_comparison´ update
      • No remove the treatments column
      • Allows plot 3 factors comparison facet_grid()
      • New arguments for plot: xlimits, xrotation, dimension, opt
      • Delete redundant arguments; limits, brakes
      • Suggest use “*” instead of “:”
      • Include additional layers to the plot. e.g. coord_flip()
      • Save plot dimensions in the exported sheet
    • web_table fix resize table in web

Bug fixes

  • Yupana & Tarpuy
    • add pkgs.R file to load dependencies in apps
  • Tarpuy
    • fix auto-install packages in inti::tarpuy(T)

inti 0.1.3

CRAN release: 2021-03-20

Major changes

  • Rticles
    • update bootstrap
    • include code section
  • Yupana & Tarpuy
    • google auth verification
  • Tarpuy
    • Include QR code in fieldbook
  • Apps
    • bslib dependence install from CRAN
    • Include video for local installation
    • Suppress messages when load apps

inti 0.1.2

CRAN release: 2020-11-25

Major changes

  • Package
    • Exclude package multtest from the depends
    • CRAN error: include_table
    • Search engine in the web page

inti 0.1.1

CRAN release: 2020-11-17

Major changes

  • Yupana & Tarpuy
    • now apps work locally
    • update bootstrap
    • update packages dependencies for apps
  • Yupana
    • Graphs: button for generate and refresh graphs
    • Fieldbook: plot_label in fieldbook summary for label axis in plots
    • Analysis: export analysis with sheet name
    • Analysis: round digits in export table
  • Package
    • new functions: info_figure() & info_table()
    • update pkgdown documentation

Bug fixes

  • Yupana & Tarpuy
    • fix problem with ‘cloud.json’
  • Yupana
    • Multivariate: exclude variables without variation in PCA
    • Multivariate: exclude columns with all NA values
    • Graphs: app not stop if graph arguments are wrong
    • update from observeEvent() –> reactive()
  • rticles
    • update app with the new bookdown release

inti 0.1.0

CRAN release: 2020-10-22

  • First package release